EPJ ST Highlight - New call-to-action empathises scientists’ role in combating climate change
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- Published on 03 February 2025

This first paper published in the special issue on Energy Saving in Physics Research and Applications in EPJ Special Topics looks at the roles of science on universe and matter and digital transformation in the ongoing battle to reduce global temperature.
“Climate change is real.” That stark and undeniable statement spearheads a new call to action in a paper published in a special issue of EPJ Special Topics (EPJ ST), focusing on energy saving in physics research and applications. This call to action doesn’t outline a general package of measures and daily life recommendations to aid in efforts to limit rising global temperatures, rather it specifically focuses on the use of resources by scientists conducting research, particularly in the field of universe and matter. The paper advocates the use of digitisation methods to potentially offset resource consumption without sacrificing knowledge gains.
EPJ C: Markus Elsing new Editor-in-Chief for Computing, Software and Data Science
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- Published on 28 January 2025

The publishers of The European Physical Journal C – Particles and Fields are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Markus Elsing as Editor-in-Chief for the newly created section on Computing, Software and Data Science as of January 2025.
Markus Elsing is a senior physicist at CERN. For over 20 years he has been leading the CERN group on Software and Computing in the ATLAS experiment. His main scientific interest is in pattern recognition, Machine Learning techniques and in precision physics at the LHC. He is organiser of the CERN Data Science Seminars and deputy-director of the CERN Schools of Physics.
EPJ D Topical Issue - Atomic Spectra and Oscillator Strengths (ASOS14)
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- Published on 27 January 2025

Guest Editors: Paul Indelicato, Stefan Schippers, Alexander Kramida, Glenn Wahlgren, Lydia Tchang-Brillet
The Topical Issue (TI), “Atomic spectra and oscillator strengths”, summarises the basic and primary atomic data needed in modelling a large variety of plasmas, covering radiative properties of atoms and atomic ions in different wavelength ranges going from X-ray to infrared (IR). These data find important applications in solar or stellar atmospheres and other astrophysical plasmas, and also in laboratory plasmas, such as fusion plasmas and laser-produced plasmas, among others.
EPJ B welcomes new Editor-in-Chief Philipp Hövel
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- Published on 20 January 2025

The European Physical Journal B is glad to announce that Dr. Philipp Hövel (Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany) has been appointed as Editor-in-Chief for the section on statistical physics and complex systems.
Dr. Hövel will work alongside Prof. Egger to continue guiding and developing the journal.
The journal and the Publishers, take the opportunity to thank Prof. Heiko Rieger whose work and leadership have been invaluable.
EPJ H Highlight - Personal reflections on the foundations of Lattice Gauge Theory
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- Published on 17 January 2025

Through a talk at the Lattice 2024 Conference in Liverpool, Dr John Kogut reflects on the early years of a theory which would come to play a pivotal role in modern physics
Lattice Gauge Theory (LGT) provides a mathematical framework for studying the properties of quarks, and the strong force which binds them together. John Kogut is a pioneer of LGT, and provided his perspectives on the foundations of the theory through a short talk at the Lattice 2024 Conference, now published in EPJ H: Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Physics.
EPJ H Highlight - Touschek and Gatto: exploring a friendship that would shape fundamental physics
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- Published on 15 January 2025

A review of personal exchanges and personal communications sheds new light on the collaboration between both researchers, which would lay the foundations for groundbreaking discoveries in particle physics
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) made its groundbreaking discovery of the Higgs Boson in 2012, but its ancestry can be traced back over 60 years to the first electron-positron collision experiment in Italy. Named Anello di Accumulazione (AdA), the experiment was the world’s first collider of matter and antimatter.
Through new research published in EPJ H: Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Physics, Luisa Bonolis, a historian of physics from MPIWG in Berlin, together with particle physicists Franco Buccella from INFN Roma1 and Giulia Pancheri at INFN Frascati Laboratories, tell the little-known story how AdA’s theoretical foundations were shaped by the collaboration between Bruno Touschek and Raoul Gatto: two pioneering physicists with a deep knowledge of the properties of fundamental particles.
EPJ Data Science appoints Prof. David Garcia as co-Editor-in-Chief
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- Published on 14 January 2025

EPJ is pleased to announce that Prof. David Garcia has been appointed as co-Editor-in-Chief of EPJ Data Science, effective January 2025. He will be responsible for overseeing the editorial process and development of the journal, working closely with Dr Yelena Mejova, who continues to serve as co-Editor-in-Chief.
David Garcia is Professor of Social and Behavioral Data Science at the Center for Data and Methods in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz. He is also associate faculty at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna and visiting professor at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. He works on the analysis of human behavior with digital trace data and computational models. He has specialized in the analysis of collective emotions and polarization with methods from Data Science and responsible Artificial Intelligence.
He has co-authored more than 100 articles in conferences and journals in Computer Science, Physics, Political Science, and Psychology. He served as program co-chair of the 2023 International School and Conference on Network Science and is serving as program co-chair of the 2025 International Conference on Computational Social Science.
EPJ B Topical Issue - New Trends in Statistical Physics of Complex Systems: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches
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- Published on 14 January 2025

Guest Editors: Tiziana Di Matteo, Giorgio Kaniadakis, Antonio Scarfone, Gianpiero Gervino
This Topical Issue of EPJ B brings together a collection of articles on the recent progress of the theoretical aspects and application in statistical physics of complex systems.
A strong framework for comprehending the behavior of complex systems is provided by statistical physics. Complex systems have emergent properties, or global behaviors that result from local interactions but are difficult to reduce to their component parts. Numerous academic fields, including physics, biology, economics, and sociology, deal with complex systems. The brain's neural networks, ecosystems, social networks, financial markets, and even climate systems are a few examples. In this context, the main objective of statistical physics is to explain how microscopic interactions result in macroscopic properties like temperature, magnetization, or network connectivity. It accomplishes this by handling the numerous degrees of freedom present in complex systems using probabilistic techniques.
Obituary - Prof. Wolf Beiglböck (1939–2024): Reminiscences on the architect of the European Physical Journal and Founding Editor of EPJ H
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- Published on 17 December 2024

This short text is not intended as a traditional obituary nor, certainly, do its authors make any attempt to do justice to Wolf Beiglböck’s many other roles outside scientific publishing, e.g., as academic researcher and teacher [1]. What is more, no doubt others could add many details of his multiple, diverse contributions toward establishing Springer-Verlag as a major international publishing house in physics (including astronomy and mathematical physics), for which in the late 1960s he became an external scientific advisor, yet for all practical purposes acting as a fully fledged publishing editor.
A few such contributions are readily evident from the writings of others, e.g., in [2], about the early years of Communications in Mathematical Physics or from his own account in [3] of the launch of Lecture Notes in Physics and, last but not least, also from his legacy of technical developments, having introduced LaTeX-based production workflows during the 1980s when Springer was the publisher, under his supervision, of Astronomy and Astrophysics (1969–2000). He did so, collaborating with his wife, Urda Beiglböck, a programmer who had also worked for Springer part-time for many years and who passed away in 2014.
EPJ A appoints new Editors-in-Chief as of 1 January 2025
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- Published on 17 December 2024

EPJ A is pleased to announce the appointment of new Editors-in-Chief, Prof. Silvia Leoni for the section Experimental Physics and Prof. Dario Vretenar for the section Theoretical Physics I: Nuclear Physics, while Theoretical Physics II: Hadron Physics and Quark Matter continues to be headed by Prof. David Blaschke. Both former Editors-in-Chief, Prof. Maria Jose Garcia Borge and Prof. Thomas Duguet, will remain with the journal as Managing Editors Reviews and Invited Viewpoints and Perspectives, together with Prof. Patrizia Rossi and Prof. Ulf-G. Meißner.