Regular Article - Soft Matter
Weak non-linearities of amorphous polymer under creep in the vicinity of the glass transition
Soft Matter Science and Engineering (SIMM), ESPCI Paris, PSL University, Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Rue Vauquelin, 75005, Paris, France
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The creep behavior of an amorphous poly(etherimide) polymer is investigated in the vicinity of its glass transition in a weakly non linear regime where the acceleration of the creep response is driven by local configurational rearrangements. From the time shifts of the creep compliance curves under stresses from 1 to 15 MPa and in the temperature range between and
, where
is the glass transition temperature, we determine a macroscopic acceleration factor. The macroscopic acceleration is shown to vary as
temperature with
, where
is the macroscopic stress and Y is a decreasing function of compliance. Because at the beginning of creep, the stress is homogeneous, the macroscopic acceleration is thus similar to the local one, in agreement with the recent theory of Long et al. (Phys Rev Mat 2:105601, 2018) which predicts
. For larger compliances, the decrease of Y is interpreted as a signature of the development of stress disorder during creep.
This article is dedicated to Hélène Montes, our colleague and friend, who combined great scientific qualities with profound humanity, and who passed away on November , 2023 while we were working on this project.
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at
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