Regular Article – Flowing Matter
Bifurcation analysis and control of the full velocity difference model with delayed velocity difference
College of Computer Science and Engineering, Northwest Normal University, 730070, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
College of Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Institute of Technology, 730050, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
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With the increase in the number of urban vehicles, various traffic problems have gradually emerged. Studying the causes of traffic congestion and proposing effective mitigation strategies have important practical significance. This paper proposes a macroscopic traffic flow model that considers the delayed speed difference. This paper applies nonlinear bifurcation to describe and predict nonlinear traffic phenomena on highways from the perspective of global stability of the traffic system. By using the traveling wave transformation, the proposed car-following model is converted into a macroscopic traffic flow model. Next, this paper employs the linear stability analysis to find the bifurcation points of the stability transition in the traffic system, exploring the qualitative characteristics of the inhomogeneous continuous traffic flow model. Theoretical derivations demonstrate the existence of bifurcation points within the model. Additionally, this paper plots the density-time space diagrams and phase plane diagrams of the system to visually present the sudden changes in traffic flow as variable parameters pass through these bifurcation points. Finally, this paper designs a feedback controller to regulate the Hopf bifurcation, aiming to delay or eliminate the occurrence of Hopf bifurcations in the stochastic system.
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