Regular Article - Soft Matter
Characterization of dynamic interplay among different channels during immiscible displacement in porous media under different flow rates
School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, 710049, Xi’an, China
Environmental Monitoring Station of Xi’an, 710054, Xi’an, China
Research Institute of Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd., 710075, Xi’an, China
Xi’an Xicai Sanchuan Intelligent Manufacturing Co,. Ltd., 710299, Xi’an, China
Oil & Gas Technology Research Institute, Changqing Oilfield, CNPC, 710018, Xi’an, China
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, 710016, Xi’an, China
Published online:
Although immiscible displacement in porous media has been extensively studied, a more comprehensive analysis of the underlying dynamic behaviors is still necessary. In this work, we conducted experimental and theoretical analyses on the dynamic interplay among channels during immiscible displacement under varying flow rates. In a rock-structured microfluidic chip, we observed typical displacement patterns, including viscous fingering and capillary fingering, and analyzed their frontiers and efficiencies. Interestingly, we discovered a novel 'V'-shaped recovery rate pattern, which differs from the monotonic curve considered in previous research. The recovery rate reaches its lowest point at an injection rate of 1 μL/min (42%), increasing to 55 and 65% at rates of 16 and 0.1 μL/min, respectively. This increase may attribute to all-directional displacement at lower rates and multi-fingering displacement at higher rates, contrasting with primary fingering displacement observed at intermediate rates. Furthermore, we developed a dual-tube model to investigate the dynamic mechanisms between adjacent channels during the displacement process. At high injection rates, an increase in low-viscosity fluid rapidly reduces overall average viscosity of the channels, accelerating displacement while hindering the displacement process in neighboring channels. Conversely, at low injection rates, increased capillary forces at pore-throat junctions delay breakthrough in one channel, promoting simultaneous displacement in parallel channels and ensuring stability. These findings significantly enhance our understanding of the interplay between viscous and capillary forces in porous media during displacement processes.
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