Regular Article - Living Systems
Fundamental aspects of the molecular topology of fuchsine acid dye with connection numbers
Department of Mathematics, College of Science, Jazan University, P.O. Box. 114, 45142, Jazan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematics, University of Sialkot, 51310, Sialkot, Pakistan
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Fuchsine acid serves as a supramolecular dye in Masson’s trichrome stain, finding extensive applications in histology. It is also utilized with picric acid in Van Gieson’s method to reveal red collagen fibers and in Masson’s trichrome to highlight smooth muscle in contrast to collagen. Beyond these applications, it plays a crucial role in electronic fields and photonic devices as an organic semiconductor. Therefore, investigating and predicting the complex molecular structure of fuchsine acid becomes essential, serving as the foundation for understanding its physicochemical features. This article employs topological modeling, specifically a connection number edge partition, to explore the supramolecular nature of fuchsine acid. Closed formulae for key degree-based molecular descriptors are derived, aiming to illuminate the effectiveness of these descriptors for QSAR and QSPR analyses.
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