Regular Articles
Effect of genome sequence on the force-induced unzipping of a DNA molecule
Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 221 005, India
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We considered a dsDNA polymer in which distribution of bases are random at the base pair level but ordered at a length of 18 base pairs and calculated its force elongation behaviour in the constant extension ensemble. The unzipping force F(y) vs. extension y is found to have a series of maxima and minima. By changing base pairs at selected places in the molecule we calculated the change in F(y) curve and found that the change in the value of force is of the order of few pN and the range of the effect depending on the temperature, can spread over several base pairs. We have also discussed briefly how to calculate in the constant force ensemble a pause or a jump in the extension-time curve from the knowledge of F(y).
PACS: 87.14.Gg DNA, RNA – / 87.15.Aa Theory and modeling; computer simulation – / 64.70.-p Specific phase transitions –
© EDP Sciences/Società Italiana di Fisica/Springer-Verlag, 2006